Hello my dears! :-)
Well today I want to blog/rant about something that is very close to my heart, and it has really come to light a lot to me in these past few days.
First, I'd like you to read this 'ask' I got on my tumblr today (people can ask anonymous questions on there)...
I was very shocked and saddened to receive this, but also I feel it highlights a lot of society's ridiculously naive ideas about people that look 'different'. Since I've had pink hair, a lot of people have commented on it, some saying they really dislike it - to my face! Now, would anyone do that if someone had just been to the hairdressers just to have it trimmed - NO! It's so mean and I don't see why just because I have 'different' hair people feel they can say what they want, it is NOT an open opportunity for meanies to put their two penneth in, it's me showing my individuality and styling myself how I want to.
But, I have noticed recently there is a problem with more than just hair! I wore these beautiful tights the other day (£2.50 from Primark, bargain, and amazing design!)...
And wore them to the garden centre, where I was tutted about my atleast three older people and it was quite easy to hear them loudly whispering about 'youth of today' and 'disgusting'. Now for a start, they were TIGHTS not tattoos, but that's not the point, who the hell do these people think they are commenting on personal parts of myself! I wouldn't walk past and say 'Look at her long skirt, she's obviously so old and just dresses herself hideously' - I'd expect a wallop! But us young un's (and older ones who decide to dress how they want) and are expected to grin and bear it when people feel they can say what they like about how we style ourselves. That day, in fact, I was feeling pretty great and really loved wearing my new tights, so just shook their stupid comments off, but imagine if I was feeling really down! Aah people, THINK BEFORE YOU SPEAK!
Something that really gets me mad though, is that people feel they can comment on someones tattoos with mean comments! People have chosen to have this bit of art on them for the rest of their life, it may be personal, it may mean nothing - but it is not an open invite for a barrage of rude comments!
Personally I find a lot of tattoos beautiful and love hearing the stories behind them - I'd never say oh that's gross - the owner of that tattoo will remember your comment forever!
Peoples bodies are their own canvasses, they can decorate them however they want. Hair will grow out and be dyed a different colour, makeup can be wiped off, clothes will be grown out of and styles will change - but we will remember the comments you made, and who said them! I personally will never forget who has rudely commented on my hair, who has tutted at me, who has belittled me or made me feel like nothing, - they are mean unthoughtful people and I will dissociate myself from them!
Do not let yourself become one of these people, that people remember all your bad comments!
Look at all these beautiful people above with tattoos designed and chosen around their loves and hates, their lives, things that inspire them and mean stuff to them! Tattoos are amazing body art, and people confident enough to make such a statement visible to others about themselves should be admired!
Rant over, hope you guys agree!