Monday, 11 October 2010


if you guys have read my last post you will see that these words mean a lot to me right now!
im scared to move from what ive planned all my life and what everyone expects/thinks is the right thing to do,
but in my heart, i know i need to change course

emily x

not feeling too good

hey everyone,
today (well this past coupla weeks) ive been feeling pretty low.
ive got a lot going on at the minute, ive just moved 5 hours from home and i'm sharing a house with people that were once friends, but now we live together the bonds been lost, and they seem to constantly party party party while i want to study, rest, get snuggled up and drink tea!
i also doesnt happen that i suffer with bipolar disorder - or should i call it manic depression? neither sound too good! i guess any 'normal' person has their wants and needs, and needs quiet time and stuff, but when im suffering from the illness most i really really need a quiet house that has routine and happiness. i know i cant ask for that off my friends - i guess you can ask that from family, and your boyfriend, but you cant ask friends to change their lifestyles for an illness they dont fully understand.
therefore, after lots of thinking, ive decided to move out, and danny my wonderful boyfriend has got a job up here so he can live with me, help with bills, and just cuddle and love me! :) im so lucky to have him! but basically, this means i will have to fork out for two rents!!!!! unless i can find someone else to live in this house and pay my rent, but i dont think anyone will want to live with these partiers! it's all such a headache and big weight on my shoulders :(
my mums been up this weekend and i think ive really worried her by how sad and down i was, i tried my best not to, but sometimes you can't help the tears!
so no ive got to go at 100 miles an hour to try and find thousands of pennies, but cos of the illness, and probably mainly because im just plain fed up, all my motivation, fun, excitement and happiness has been sucked away and all i want to do is sleep and cry.
cripes, what a depressing post!
anyway, i just needed to write all this down somewhere and get it off my chest! hopefully the next time i write i'll be much more happy and stable and have lots of wonderful news to tell you!
when i get set up in my new home and going to try and fix up an area to do youtube videos, won't that be wonderful! i have so many ideas to do! :)
anyway, when im sad, i like to do things like spend ages putting makeup on cos it relaxes me, and i also like to look at the ocean, so look what i found when i popped 'the ocean' in on google images...

this really brightened my day! haha :) i love this little guy! guess marine biology still inspires me after all!
take care, and try your best in all that you do,
emily x

Friday, 8 October 2010

The most inspirational makeup book everrrrrr! Alex Box, my new idol! (but still Kandee of course)

Hello all you makeup lovers out there! Hold tight to your seats as I have an AMAZING book to tell you about!
Alex Box, the makeup artist and creative director of Illamasqua makeup, has a book out entitled with simply her name, that is actually brilliant, amazing, inspiring, wonderful, breathtaking....!
I'd only known of her work from Illamasqua campaigns, but in this huge almost A3 size book she shows off her talent. Her work is art into makeup, she uses tools and 'products' an everyday makeup artist may never consider - like icing sugar and tar! Sounds crazy, but the final image just captures me and I can stare at it for so long just being encapsulated by her work. Just look at some examples!...

Alex Box is definitely a new idol of mine! But she can be your new idol too! Here's the link to buy it off Amazon...

Let's hope one day one of us is lucky enough to meet Alex, after watching interviews with her, she seems so down to earth, yet still incredible mysterious and inspiring. I'd love to know her thought processes to get to her final piece!
Also, Alex is from Grimsby! That's so close to me! To think that such an amazing makeup artist has come from a small not highly reputable town closeby, but is now travelling the world, creating beautiful makeup art, selling books, and is well known in her trade, - it makes you realise that anythings possible if you put your heart and soul into it.

Huge inspirational thoughts,
Emily x

Tuesday, 5 October 2010

makeup quiz

What foundation do you use?
MAC Studio Fix Fluid in NC20, then MAC Studio Fix Powder Foundation in NC25.. sometimes I use MAC Face and Body Foundation in N2 with a 187 brush but thats for when I just want a light coverage and a little glow :) Tried out Lancomes Teint Miracle the other day though, and it was a MIRACLE! I really need to invest in some!

How about concealer?
I pop a bit of MACs paint pot in Painterly to cancel any other colours underneath, or sometimes use plain old Natural Collections green concealer for those days when I'm seriously red.. I paint it over my ENTIRE face so I go green, then foundation over it.. and no green shows through, thank the lord!

Do you know your undertone color?
Pink :( I so wish it was yellow, people look so much more healthy with yellow undertones!

What do you think of fake eyelashes?
I love them so much, I wish MAC ones were cheaper so I could wear them everyday! However, my experience with extensions has been a bit of a disaster, they stay on for agessssssss but then the glue gets so hard and hurty :( and the glue remover doesnt remove it, it brings the eyelashes off with it :( that's with eyelure stuff anyway =/

Did you know that you are supposed to change your mascara every 3 months?
Yeah but I get so bored with mascaras and excited for the new ones coming out I buy a new one like every month just to see what all the hypes about!

What brand of mascara do you use? Umm.. MAC Haute & Naughty Lash, Urban Decay Big Fatty, Loreal Million Lashes, Barry M.. they're all pretty good!

Sephora or MAC?
MAC , never been in a Sephora though :(

Do you have a MAC Pro-card?
Nope, I might try and apply soon though seen as I've been freelancing and I'm doing a makeup course.

What makeup tools do you use in make up application?
Brushes for everything, eyelash curlers, umm tweezers for when I'm popping on falsies, brush cleaner to clean the mucky pups up!

Do you use make-up base/primer for the eyes?
Urban Decay Primer Potion, or MAC Paint Pot in Painterly (need to get it in Soft Ochre though!) or I use both! They both work really well, and I still can't believe just how different eyeshadow looks and the small pathetic amount of time it says on without a primer! LADIES, prime your eyes!

For the face?
MACs Prep and Prime :) Its wonderful! Also pop on a bit of MACs Moisturelush cream for those dry bits.

What is your favorite eyeshadow (colour or shade)?
MACs eyeshadow in mystery - I wear it everyday on my brows! I couldn't live without it! I also love all the shades in Urban Decays new naked pallette.

Do you use pencil or liquid eyeliner? Mainly gel, MACs blacktrack fluidline is amazing! And stays for so long. I still love Barry Ms black liquid liners but the staying power is crap, although the colour is very intense if you don't need it to stay on for long!

How often do you poke your eyes with an eyeliner pencil?
Not very often lol

What do you think of pigment eyeshadows?
I haven't tried them yet! I can't believe what a make up addict I am and I haven't tried them! Think I'm kinda scared haha but the colour choice in them at MAC looks fab, and if I was asked to do more creative or makeup looks they'd be amazing!

Do you use mineral makeup?
This is another thing I've never tried! I really want to try out MAC Mineralise Skin Finish, and their blushers! They seem to make everyone look so glowy and warm!

What is your favorite lipstick?
So boring and predictable, but Myth, I do love you. My everyday go to lippie <3 style="outline-color: initial; outline-style: none; outline-width: 0px; ">
How about lipgloss?
I love MACs creemesheen glass in Boy Bait - it matches Myth perfect :) But also Barry M's lipglosses taste wonderful - like strawberry milkshake! and last just as long as MAC ones! And they have fab pigmentation, even on none lipsticked lips the colour is really vibrant.

What is your favorite blush to use?
Umm I like the one in ELFs Cool Bronzer Palette, I also like Benefits Coralista for a night out, and I found a bubblegum pink one for like a pound in some daft cosmetics shop which is so bright and fun!

Do you buy your makeup on ebay?

Do you like drugstore makeup?
Umm for the little things like lipglosses and nail varnishes and other bits and bobs but if I'm buying something I know I'll wear/use everyday I've started to buy the expensive stuff as I know it'll work.

Do you go to CCO’s? (cosmetic company outlets)
I wish they had them in the UK :(

Did you ever consider taking make-up classes?
I'm taking one at the minute, a BTEC in MakeUp Artistry :) and also going to Kandee Johnsons Glaminar - EEEEEEK! =D

Are you clumsy in putting on makeup?
Not at all, but I used to be up till about 2 months ago.. When I look at old photos I cringe!

Name a makeup crime that you hate?
Bad brows! Since learning how to do mine properly I appreciate how much they frame the face and can improve it! Even if you've got full brows anyway, a little shadow to deepen the shade, and a highlight underneath - not much effort, but makes such a difference!

Do you like colorful shades of makeup (lipstick,eyeshadow) or neutral ones?
Neutral for daytime, colourful for playtime!

Which celebrity always has great make up?
Katy Perrys OMG her eyes, lips, brows, skin, AMAZING! Cheryl Cole always looks beautiful - apparently she uses MAC face and body! I always love Kim Kardashians eyes.. Marilyn Monroe always looked flawless too.

If you could leave the house using just ONE make up item,what would you use?
Eyeshadow to shape my brows (with a brush please, I seriously couldnt do that with my finger!)

Could you ever leave the house without any makeup on?
Not really, cos I have trichotillomania I have no brows and not many lashes, so I'd look a bit insane! Plus my skin is so red :(

Do you think you look good even without any makeup on?
Nope, I'm not one of those girls that pulls myself down but I honestly dont think I do.

In your opinion, what is the BEST makeup line?
MAC - everything about them is PERFECT, apart from their price and that they charge delivery and that they have PRO products, when everyone should be able to get hold of them easily really :)

What do you think of Makeup?
I love love love love love it!

Sunday, 3 October 2010

So ill :(

Today I feel so ill, got a bad bout of freshers flu! But I've not even been out in freshers! I'm all snuffly, snotty, coughy and feeling sorry for myself.. Fingers crossed I'll feel better before this hectic week begins, none stop lectures and labs! Aargh!

So today I'm going to get all snuggled up, maybe have a lovely bubbly bath, read my makeup books, watch x factor and work on getting myself back to health!

When I'm feeling like this I don't really bother with makeup, but products I find that make me feel that bit better are the MAC wipes, just to get all the grime away, and then MAC studio moisture fix, to make dry tight skin feel so nourished. However, my lips are going uncared for at the minute! Just not sure which lip balm to invest in... maybe just bog standard vaseline?

Anyway, cough syrup and smiles,
Emily x

Friday, 1 October 2010

so this is my first ever youtube makeup tutorial video, it was a bit of a disaster... but i've popped it up there to see what interest is like, hopefully maybe someone out there may want to see more! :)

emily x

soap and glory wish upon a jar review

Wish Upon A Jar™

i first saw this advertised in a magazine, and ran out to get it straight away! the woman at boots told me to go to debenhams to get it as boots didnt stock it, so i rushed there, but they said try boots, and finally i found it, in BOOTS. debenhams do not stock it, never have! i don't know why the lady at boots told me to go to debenhams.. anyway, so i finally had my paws on this beautiful little pot of goodness!

first off, i love soap and glory packaging, it just is so girly, cute and vintage, right up my street! the cream is encased in a little silvery ball of magic, when you open it up, the cream is wonderful pearly shade of pale pink.

so, this stuff claims to completely overhaul your skin in 21 days. here's the description on the soap and glory website...

'21 Day Collagen Overhaul Cream boosts moisture levels, smoothes fine lines and wrinkles, brightens tired skin and hides imperfections (with TRIPLE-ACTION YOUTHFAKE™ Diamond spheres specifically designed to disguise dull, exhausted and aging skin). It’s got antioxidants,
shea butter and quite possibly the most potent mix of clinically proven anti-wrinkle SUPERPEPTIDES™, oxygen boosters, puffiness reducers, pigmentation, large pore and fine-line disguisers ever witnessed… and in 21 days flat can take a tired face and make it look FRESH!'

and after using it for only 10 days, i want to scream from the rooftops, this stuff is AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i've been wearing it under makeup for a moisture kick in the morning, and popping it on at night after cleansing my face, to give my skin a wonderful treat while i slumber... and oh my giddy goodness, under makeup it makes my skin literally glow, and if i pop it on at night, in the morning it feels so soft and wonderful. the scent is so sweet and dreamy i fall asleep in the most beautiful aroma, and wake up literally smelling like the sweetest sugar.
this pot of goodness has even calmed my eczema! and it looks so beautiful popped in pride of place on my dressing table! it's also reduced the abundance of fine lines that had been developing slowly but ever so surely on my face - so i'd definitely recommend those with ageing skin to try this out!

if you have 14 english pounds and want to feel like a skin goddess, run as fast as you can to your nearest boots and get your hands on this wonderful little treat. i cannot recommend it enough! if it's too rainy (as it is up here in st andrews), order it online, and wait by the letterbox for this pint sized silver ball of skin goodness to be posted through.. buy it online here...

so soap and glory, i grant you and your beautiful jar of magic...

5 stars! * * * * *

lots of wishes and stars,
emily x