Saturday, 19 February 2011

Little Old Update

Hello my lovely blog followers!
I do hope you are well and I'm sorry for abandoning you without posts for so long! I thought I'd give you all an update so you know what's going on in my life :)
Well, first off, I've taken a leave of absence from university as I was finding it so difficult, my anxiety was getting really bad and meant some days I couldn't even go out of the house. My depression also kept rearing its ugly head worse than I've ever experienced before, so after a lot of thought, I decided to put my mind first rather than studying, and spend time trying to make myself better :) The uni has been super helpful about it and have given me a few years off. So now me and Dan are going to move back to Sheffield where we'll be around family and friends and my normal doctors, and fingers crossed I'll be on the mend! However, I still have things to clear up in Scotland first before we go, but hopefully I'll be back home before I know it :)
Big bear and little bear have been super helpful giving me lots of cuddles and hugs while I've been feeling lonely and sad, especially when Dan's at work. They know all my secrets! :)
As I've been ill the makeup work has dropped off a little bit, as you saw I dressed poor old Dan up as a woman last week, and then this week I had a photoshoot planned, but sadly the model was ill so it's been rescheduled till next week, and I also did a makeup lesson for a lovely girl called Maggie. I knew her a little through the fashion show I did makeup for back in November, and she contacted me asking for my advice and help on how to apply eyeliner and eyeshadow, so I whisked myself off with my make up kit and helped apply her makeup for a dance she had that night, introduced her to some products I really thought would benefit her, and taught her how to do little makeup tricks and bits! I really enjoyed myself, and would love to offer more makeup lessons if anyone's interested! Plus Maggie was so lovely, such an amazing inspiring person.
Here's some pictures of me and Maggie, and I've added a 'before' one from her facebook, hope she doesn't mind!
Me and Maggie after

I was super stressed out that day so spent forever on my makeup - it always calms me down and provides my mask to the world so noone knows what's going on inside, so took some pics to show you guys, plus I'm so impressed with how long the pink has stayed in my hair! And so vibrant still :) Dan straightened it for me bless him, he's so lovely!

With my brushes on ready to go, and my £3 dress! Love it!
Super big smiles with super long hair!
Me and Dan, I am the luckiest girl in the world to have him! :)

Till next time my lovelies,


1 comment:

if you've got a question,
i'll try and get back to you asap,
emily x